Shannon and the Clams are like a time-warp to the glory days of rock and roll. And I don't mean back to the actual 50's/60's... I mean the shiny, trouble-free 50's/60's. The one we see in so many films, like Grease. The one people really mean when they talk about feeling like they were "born in the wrong decade", a romanticised version where only the good remains... and it's a fun place to be transported too!
I originally interviewed the band through email for my zine. I'll write about this in more detail sometime, but I've put my print zine on hold for now, which was partly why I started this blog, as a way to still write about what interests me. Anyway, I didn't want this interview to go to waste (and in a lot of cases, blogs and zines are quite entwined, so why not?).
Firstly, how did you all meet and when was Shannon and the Clams formed?
Shannon: Art school, summer of 2007.
me, your music has a really distinctive sound, like 50’s/60’s rock and
roll with a punky edge, which I love. Is this a style you deliberately
set out to play, or did it just come out naturally?
S: Punk
and oldies are my favorite types of music, but I don't necessarily set
out to write songs that sound that way. I think certain 'oldies'
formulas are engrained and programmed in my mind so I naturally write
that way.
also like that, while your music is fun and great to just blast out
loud and dance around to, there’s a sense of genuine emotion in a lot of
the lyrics. Do you write about personal experiences/feelings, or a your
songs more like fictional stories?
S: Cody
and I have really different methods for songwriting. We are both in
love with fables and nursery rhymes, old fairy tales, but Cody often uses
that love to write his own stories into songs. He is very talented.
Warlock in the Woods, Gremlins Crawl, Half Rat... all good enough stuff
to be in the creepiest children's story book! I write more about ugg wah
wah feelings and stuff. I usually try to disguise the real story though
by using lyrics that might make you think you know what I'm talking
about but YOU DON'T! Like a diary that written in a secret language.
Shannon, you also play with Hunx and his Punx. How did that come about?
S: Hunx asked me to play bass on a
short tour temporarily filling in for their original bass player Ian.
What was supposed to be a few days filling in turned into touring with
Jay Retard and Nobunny and Box Elders!!! We were so compatible that I am
still in the band a few years later! I love getting to play with Hunx
so much.
Do you contribute to the songwriting or is it all Hunx?
S: Yes, I write for and with
Hunx. Lovers Lane, Curse of Being Young, Bad Boy, the chorus for Keep
Away from Johnny (Cody Clam wrote the rest of it!). We are working on
songs for a new punk record as we speak!
If there was Clams vs Punx barbecue contest, whose side would you cook on? And, more importantly, who do you think would win?
S: Hmm
good question, I honestly would have to run back and forth and help
both teams because they both need different things from me. Honestly,
the Clams would win because Erin Punkette doesn't eat meats, and Hunx
doesn't cook AT ALL and Frankie Frankenstein would rather just eat the
meat raw. Clams bbq sauce would be sugar free, and without cornbread or
napkins. Just a pile of meat eaten off corn husks.
Cody, you also play in another band, King Lollipop. Can you tell us a bit about that?
C: Oh, it's just my lil ol solo
thing. I started writing these simpler, stupider, sillier songs that
didn't really work with the clams, so I thought I should just play them
on my own. I couldn't decide on a name and it took a long time before I
started performing. I wrote the songs when I was homeless during 2009
and recorded them all in the summer of 2010, then started playing live
in winter 2011. I also couldn't decide how to do it live and then I saw
the Extra Action Marching band play and decided I should just play with a
ton of drummers behind me, because it was fun to watch. It worked, I
like it. Someday I want to have an orchestra like Cab Calloway and I
could maybe ditch the guitar and just be a singer/creepy dancer.
I love the artwork for the Sleeptalk album. Whose idea was it?
I hope you checked out the videos, and if you want to know more about Shannon and the Clams, check out their website.